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Monday, November 14, 2011

Jayson Thiessen on Fictional Frontiers

By edvedd

As Jayson Thiessen has indicated, he was interviewed by Fictional Frontiers a few weeks ago. Today, the interview aired, and I of course took notes and ripped the stream.

  • “She’s a student of Princess Celestia, who is the ruler of all of Equestria, which is like the world they live in.” This seems to ever so slightly qualify his statement made on BroNYcon in September that “Equestria might have a border.” But there is the “like” and the “might,” so don’t rewrite all your fanfics just now.
  • He talks about us bronies.
  • He loves it when we recognize his/their hidden jokes and allusions. Well, who wouldn’t.
  • He gives useful lessons on pacing in storytelling.
  • He calls Friendship is Magic “award-winning” but then takes it back and states that, no, he doesn’t know something we don’t, that it was maybe just “wishful thinking.” But Friendship is Magic did win an award.

Have fun listening!

Update 2011-11-14 23:17Z: The interview following the Thiessen one is with Daxiong a.k.a. Guo Jingxiong. Check out his Wikipedia article! I can upload that interview too, though I’d much rather link to the folks at Fictional Frontiers. Do they currently publish their shows anywhere on their website?

Update 2011-11-14 23:30Z: Done uploading the Daxiong interview. I do hope that’s OK with you Fictional Frontiers ponies. Many thanks!

Update 2011-11-16 21:19Z: Paraspite on Ponychan has transcribed the interview. Give them some love the next time you head over there!

Update 2012-04-04 12:37Z: Slightly touched up the article.

Update 2012-04-04 20:12Z: Oh, cool, a YouTube version.

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